Cash Registers
In Koha 19.11, a new feature is added to define cash registers. The purpose will allow libraries to track transactions to a cash register/station.
This feature introduces a system preference, UseCashRegister, which when enabled will expose the cash register management screen under the administration area.
A library can define cash registers as a way to track payments for transactions. Libraries can have multiple cash registers defined and also can create one as a default. When setting up the cash register, a library is allowed to name the register and assign the amount of money the register starts as (initial float).
The system preference: UseCashRegister will need to be set to USE.
Once cash registers have been turned on in Koha, a new option has been added to the Administration Module called Cash Registers. This is found under a new heading, Accounting, which has been added in 19.11.
The next step will be to create a new cash register.
Fields that a library can assign: Name of Cash Register (mandatory), Description, Branch, Initial Float.
If a library/branch has set up one or more cash registers, a default register can be chosen. If a default register has been declared, when a staff member in that branch/library uses the Pay function in the Koha, the default register will appear chosen. If no default is chosen, then there is a drop-down menu during a payment transaction to choose which register is being used.
In the image below, the bold text register has been marked "default".
When the cash register is set up for the library; when a staff member using the Pay feature, there will be a new dropdown option to indicate which cash register this transaction will take place on.
For reporting purposes, there is now a new table in Koha called cash_registers.
If you would like a PDF version of this blog post, here is a link to download.
For more 19.11 information, please see our 19.11 Upgrade Note page.
Here is a link to the bug from which this feature was created.
Read more by Kelly McElligott